
I feel useless

And I keep telling myself..Don’t judge yourself harshly for feeling useless. Be compassionate and patient with yourself.

— 26 July 2024

The Apple Ecosystem

My wallet hurts so bad.

— 15 July 2024

It's Difficult

It's already June and my progress is only at 10% for my Javascript course.

— 4 June 2024

Arr Stack

The life of a pirate.

— 23 May 2024

Royal Kludge Rk-M75

RK-M75 Phantom Keyboard

— 23 May 2024

Github on Mobile

Mobile blogging is awesome

— 20 May 2024

Customizing Astro

The first step to learn anything new is to just dive straight in. How hard can this be?

— 18 May 2024

Eloquent Javascript

Define Eloquent - fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

— 17 May 2024

Linux Mint

Back to Mint Again

— 17 May 2024

Hello Astro 👋

This is not as easy as I thought..🤦

— 13 May 2024

Markdown Test Page

A sample page with the most common elements of an article, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and images. Use it as a starting point for applying your own styles.

— 01 Dec 2021

Hello World 👋

Every blog starts with a single post. This is yours. Make it great.

— 30 Nov 2021