26 July 2024 ~ 2 min read

I feel useless

The Story of the Old Man and the Rock

In a small, peaceful village nestled among green hills, there lived an old man named Aiden. Every day, Aiden would walk to the top of a nearby hill and sit by a large rock, gazing at the horizon. He did this every day without fail, rain or shine.

Many villagers wondered why he spent so much time with the rock. Some thought he was strange, others believed he was simply wasting his time. However, Aiden remained unfazed by their opinions and continued his daily routine.

One day, a young boy named Liam, curious and eager to understand the old man’s behavior, approached him. “Why do you come here every day and sit by this rock?” he asked.

Aiden smiled gently and patted the rock. “This rock, Liam, is very special to me,” he began. “When I was your age, I struggled with feeling like I didn’t matter. I thought my life had no purpose."

"One day, I climbed this hill to escape my worries. As I sat here, I noticed this rock. It was big, unmovable, and seemed to serve no purpose. It was just here, a part of the landscape, unnoticed and unappreciated."

"But as I sat and thought, I realized that this rock, despite appearing useless, had its own quiet strength. It endured the wind, the rain, the sun, and the snow. It provided a place for moss to grow, a shelter for small creatures, and a spot for me to rest. It was part of the hill’s beauty and stability."

"From that day on, I came here to remind myself that like this rock, I have my own strengths and purpose, even if they aren’t always visible to others or even to myself. I learned to see value in simply being present and enduring, just like the rock.”

Liam listened intently, understanding the wisdom in Aiden’s words. “So, you come here every day to remember your strength and purpose?” he asked.

Aiden nodded. “Yes, and to remind myself that even when I feel useless or unseen, I am still part of something bigger, contributing in ways I might not always see. Just like this rock.”

Liam smiled, feeling a new sense of understanding and inspiration. He thanked Aiden and walked back to the village, carrying with him the old man’s lesson.

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